Dr. Rosie Garcia is a Latina Licensed Psychologist, educator, and advocate who absolutely loves what she does. Rosie is the owner of Simply Living Counseling, an online counseling private practice for women from New York and Florida. She is a relatable therapist who advocates for wellness and self-care for her clients and herself.
She provides online counseling to help women turn their struggles into their strengths. She helps women dealing with general anxiety, stress, perfectionism, perinatal anxiety, and life
changes. She helps women go from feeling anxious and stressed to feeling inner peace. When life happens, Rosie is here to support and motivate.
Rosie is also creating a self-paced online mini-anxiety course for women ready to manage their anxiety and harness their strengths.
Rosie shares weekly helpful tips, inspiration, and reminders on her Instagram and Facebook pages. Check out her pages, Dr. Rosie Garcia of Simply Living Counseling
June 17, 2023
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Brand photography for Boss Ladies that want to stand out, connect to their brand tribe and be the face of their brand. I've got you covered!
I'm Amalie (AKA The Branded Boss Lady) I am a branding photographer for female business owners, makers and entrepreneurs.
product sessions
Headshot sessions
Brand Sessions
i'm ready!!
Want to have your own brand images so that you can connect to your brand tribe, be the face of your brand and make more money?
brand session
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