
Vegan Blogger Brand Photoshoot

January 12, 2022

Orlando brand photography session

Orlando brand photographer session with plant based blogger

Vegan blogger brand photo session.  INCREDIBLE brand session with this incredible gal!

Meet Lauren, she is a content creator, blogger, YouTuber and influencer who loves to help women become their healthiest, happiest selves through a holistic plant-based lifestyle.

Lauren helps her clients and customers by teaching them a plant-based lifestyle through her course, guides and podcast (coming soon) and she owns an apparel company called wear bare bones where she sells vegan swag and apparel to help spread her love of the plant based life!

This gal is an absolute gem and has a larger than life joyful personality that is contagious! Trust me, just looking through her images will put a big smile on your face!!

So excited to share more from her session soon!

Shot by the branded boss lady | Shot at the brand studio orlando | hair and makeup makeover station  | Boss lady lauren vacula


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Brand photography for Boss Ladies that want to stand out, connect to their brand tribe and be the face of their brand.  I've got you covered! 

Let's Work Together

I'm Amalie (AKA The Branded Boss Lady) I am a branding photographer for female business owners, makers and entrepreneurs. 

Meet Amalie

I have spent the last 9+ years working with thousands of female business owners to help them create brand visuals that build extraordinary business, earn more money and connect to their brand tribe.  

Hey there, I'm Amalie!

I am your Brand photographer, stylist &  cheerleader behind the camera.


I happily welcome women of all skin tones, ages, ethnicities, sizes, religions and friends of the LGBTQ+ community. 
My priority is to make all women feel incredible in front of my camera and beautiful in their images. 

I believe everyone is deserving to feel empowered and look amazing!