Brand Session with Therapist Sabrina Gohlke
Sabrina Gohlke, a military brat, experienced a childhood filled with frequent moves and stress. This upbringing allegedly made military children more resilient. However, Sabrina felt unheard, misunderstood, and that her needs didn’t matter. Her household was a “suck it up” environment. Consequently, Sabrina learned to hide her feelings and passions to avoid judgment and protect herself. She tied her self-worth to her abilities and how well she performed.
As a young adult, Sabrina unconsciously sabotaged relationships out of fear of rejection. She also turned to alcohol to suppress her feelings. Unfortunately, this only increased her depression and anxiety. In 2008, Sabrina had what society deemed a “good” life. But she despised it and hated herself. She didn’t even know who she was.
Sabrina embarked on a journey to find authenticity, truth, freedom, purpose, and peace. She yearned to rid herself of her depression and anxiety. From 2008-2009, Sabrina peeled away the layers of her conditioning to reveal her true self. It took time to build the courage and trust to be herself no matter what. But Sabrina eventually found love for herself, within herself.
By no longer hiding her true self and feelings, Sabrina started making life choices in line with her values. She began to live an authentic, passion-filled, kick-ass life!
You can check out Sabrina on her website here!

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